
With its 15th century Aragonese Castle it has been defined as one “among the most beautiful and best preserved castles existing in southern Italy” and the numerous churches with valuable canvases and wooden carvings: S. Antonio in via B. Abenante, Santi Pietro And Paolo in via F. Compagna, Maria ss. Immaculate in via Pascoli, 4, Blessed John XXIII in piazza San Gaspare Betone, 8, Corpus Domini in C.da Toricella, S. Benedetto in Contrada Villaggio Frassa, S. Nicola in Contrada Fabbrio Grande, Maria Ss. Delle Grazie in Via Nazionale , Ss. Leone E Nicola in Via Nazionale, S. Maria Maggiore in via Toscano.
Not only “culture” for shopping lovers in Corigliano there is Via Nazionale with numerous quality shops.